From the Cobblestones on Bond Street...
The restaurant Gourmet magazine calls "one of the best and most exciting in America" started life in 1994 when independent filmmaker Donna Lennard and her Italian partner, Alberto Avalle, opened an off-the-beaten path antique store on cobblestoned Bond Street. A modern day trading post of crafts and culture, il Buco attracted an eclectic clientele of locals, lured in by the warmth and magic of the space, the worn patinas of the primitive antiques and Americana, and eventually the aromas of the kitchen, as the couple transformed the rustic antique store into a charming restaurant attracting an incredible roster of chefs over the years and bringing the restaurant international acclaim.
Our Friends
We would like to introduce you to a collection of our neighbors, friends, artists and producers who have become a true part of the il Buco family over the past 24 years.